Tuesday, September 1, 2009

sept. 1st 2009

First of all i can not believe it is already sept. Miabella is now a year old and my baby sister is 22.. I feel like i am getting so old. Also My oldest sister is getting married in just a couple of weeks. Time just flies by. Cant things just stand still for a min and let me catch up. Next time i blink Miabella will be running off to kindergarden!!

Anyways i am now getting my business started for real. I feel like i have a good talent and i think i do a good job. But i just have to get my butt out there and promote myself, Thats the hardest part. I just need to figure how i want to run my business. The ideas i have set me so far apart from alot of other photographers. Well if anyone has any ideas for me let me know. I would really like to know, as a consumer, what would you want out of a photography session? if you think of something let me know.



Monday, August 31, 2009

Picture of the day

This is My Little sister and My baby girl Miabella.

Have a good night!